Guardian Grabber Quests
Guardian Grabber Quests[edit]
Below is a list of the quests available for the Guardian Grabber.
You may want to do one of the Danger Destroyer Quests in parallel so you can get some quest catches while you move the needle the other way.
Goby Globe[edit]
(Difficulty: 1/10)
Betsylou bought her niece a fish tank and needs some fish to stock it! The Goby Globe is one of the rarest fish in Lucidia!
Pole Req: Level 10 Guardian Grabber
Quest specific tips:
Catch Req's: 18 Butterfly Fish, 16 Seabra Fish, 13 Reflector Fish, 10 Golden Goby Fish ×1.5 when done with friend
Mandarin Mini Tank[edit]
(Difficulty: 3/10)
Wranglers will need to put some effort into this quest...the Mandarin puts up a fight.
Pole Req: Level 20 Guardian Grabber
Quest specific tips:
Catch Req's: 20 Porcupine Fish, 15 Cleaner Fish, 12 Trunk Fish, 3 Mandarin Fish ×1.5 when done with friend
Crusty Cage[edit]
(Difficulty: 5/10)
Start reeling in those crustaceans because Betyslou needs them! These scurrying little guys are quite amusing in the Crusty Cage!
Pole Req: Level 30 Guardian Grabber
Quest specific tips:
Catch Req's: 20 Crustacean Fish, 17 Medicinal Star Fish, 16 Neon Leach Fish, 15 Popping Puffer Fish ×1.5 when done with friend
Mini Reef[edit]
(Difficulty: 7/10)
Look at the beautiful colors and varieties in the Mini Reef! Hopefully with wranglers hard work, Coral Lobby will look like this one day!
Pole Req: Level 45 Guardian Grabber
Quest specific tips: One of the hardest 4th quests out there along with Grilled Slug Skewer, it's recommended doing this with quest with love chum or just after the first two fish are finished, and having a friend doing the same can help. Feathered Filter and the Coral Carp Fish will be the bottlenecks. You may have to use LG up to 4-5 times. Since the next quest isn't until Lv 60, you should return to finish this later.
Catch Req's: 22 Melting Manta Ray Fish, 15 Cautious Conch Snail Fish, 11 Feathered Filter Fish, 4 Coral Carp Fish ×1.5 when done with friend
Rescued Reservoir[edit]
(Difficulty: 9/10)
Filled with fish from the Heartland, these breeds have a safe, new home with Betsylou's niece!
Pole Req: Level 60 Guardian Grabber
Quest specific tips: Takes place in Heart Land. You may want to pair this with Toothy Tartare in Danger Destroyer Quests
Catch Req's: 25 Shovelhead Fish, 16 Brittle Star Fish, 12 Shelter Jelly Fish, 4 Vacuum Octo Fish ×1.5 when done with friend
Angel Aquarium[edit]
(Difficulty: 10/10)
The rarest breed of Heartland, the Queen Angel, resides in a gold-plated aquarium. This final dish is the ultimate prize of the Guardian Grabber!
Pole Req: Level 75 Guardian Grabber
Quest specific tips: This is a very hard quest due to the rarity of the last two fish, but it's the final quest as well. You'll likely switch fishing with the Danger Chamber quest unless using RLC to complete it faster. Sun Rays will likely be the bottle neck, and LG is recommended on the few final fish.
Catch Req's: 30 Bristle Eel Fish, 20 Crystalline Fish, 15 Sun Ray Fish, 1 Queen Angel Fish ×1.5 when done with friend
Saving Lucidia SBQ[edit]
(Difficulty: 20/10)
The Super Bonus Quest of Guardians Gate, Coral Lobby, Heart Land (Saving Lucidia) requires Farovian Wranglers to catch an unholy number of the rarest fish in town! Not for beginners.
Pole Req: Level 80 Guardian Grabber
, Level 80 Danger Destroyer
Rewards: 105 Free Love Chum, 36 Muscle 90k, and 30 Deckhand Vouchers
Quest specific tips: In order to start this quest, you must have completed all the quest sets for the Guardian Grabber and the Danger Destroyer. As with all SBQ's, this quest is VERY hard, and not recommended for the faint of heart. Needs info.
Starting Requirements: 600,000 Gold, 6 Muscle 90k, and 8 Spray Floss
Special Quests require various resources to start because BetsyLou's new boyfriend on the side is an aspiring wrangler and needs some help getting started with gold and a variety of other delightful resources!
Catch Req's: 1 Scorpion Fish, 4 Razortip Reef Shark Fish, 6 Coral Carp Fish, 11 Queen Angel Fish ×1.5 when done with friend
Winter Feast[edit]
Special Multi-region and Multi-pole Quest!
(Difficulty: 6/10)
Happy Holidays, enjoy the biggest multi-pole quest yet!
Pole Req: Level 0 [[Holy Liberator or Evil Obliterator]]
, Level 0 Coal Powered Thermo-pole , Level 0 Guardian Grabber , Level 0 [[Cold Fusion or Holy Hybrid]] , Level 0 Candy Cane , Level 0 Extendarod
Rewards: 50 Free Love Chum*, 3600 Shells, 22 Deckhand Vouchers, 8 Old Jug of Rum, 8x Quest Boost for 9 hours, 8x Auto-Fish for 24 hours
Quest specific tips: Although the pole level requirements for starting the quest are at 0, the actual pole level needed to catch the fish is much higher. Recommended checking that your pole levels are able to catch the fish as well as checking whether you have access to the areas. Starting the quest in Roperia will cost you Silver instead of Gold. If you want to use the quest boost bonus then fish in the order listed. The Guardian Grabber may be a bottleneck as you have to pair it with extra fishing trips with Danger Destroyer. You can also partner with someone who has access to the areas and poles.
Starting Requirements: 1,000,000 Gold or Silver, 4 Angel Tear, 3 Holy Water, and 2 Rain Water
Special Quests require various resources to start because BetsyLou's new boyfriend on the side is an aspiring wrangler and needs some help getting started with gold and a variety of other delightful resources!
Catch Req's: 20 Rudolph the Reinbie Fish, 18 Moose Fish, 15 Brittle Star Fish, 13 Nicholas of Night Fish, 10 Gingerbread Fish, 9 Angelica Fish , 7 Red Ribbon Fish ×1.5 when done with friend
NOTE *: Free Love Chum is a one time only reward.
Like the Thanksgiving Feast, the quest is now here to stay and no time limit.