Alcatraz Cruiser

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Alcatraz Cruiser
Cost 150,000
Speed 30 knots
Min. Points 1,400,000
Passenger Capacity 8
Trips/Level 30
Retail Outlet Sans Culpra Boat Shop

Description: The Alcatraz Cruiser is used in combination with the special heavy duty Alcatraz pole. The boat comes on loan from Earl, while wranglers fish in the Geminisles. Requires 30 long distance travels per each level.

The Alcatraz Cruiser was released on Friday August 13th 2010 for use in the new Geminisles levels. It was initially sold for 3,000,000 to the wranglers who wanted to be first to catch the new fish.

For purposes of comparison, the estimated travel times for a level 42 Alcatraz Cruizer are just the same as a Mini Cruiser, Hybrid Cruiser or Toxic Cruiser maxed out at level 50. Above this level, the Alcatraz Cruiser will finally become your fastest Farovian boat. (reminder: the Hybrid Cruiser/Toxic Cruiser and Alcatraz Cruiser all use the super-expensive Super Rocket Booster, so rocket-boosted travel is still least costly with the Mini-Cruiser).

Upgrade: Super Rocket Booster - You can purchase the Super Rocket Booster for 1,000,000 gold & 1,000 Shells and uses the super-expensive Grade AA Rocket Fuel. The Super Rocket Booster can be used with the Alcatraz Cruiser and Icelantican Boats which will increases boat speed by 3.5 times and burns one gallon per three minutes. Unlike normal fuel, Rocket fuel is used while traveling between islands, but not while fishing.

Note: The Alcatraz Cruiser is required in order to reach Doom Island the first time, afterwards can use any boat to travel there or any other Ten Year Storm location.

Estimated travel times (from hover-text); level 50/50 Alcatraz Cruiser without Super Rocket Booster:

Fishertonville <-> Waterport: ~3 mins away! Save 2 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Blue Crescent: ~6 mins away! Save 5 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Magma Reef: ~5 mins away! Save 5 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Sans Culpra: ~10 mins away! Save 10 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Poseidon's Ring: ~10 mins away! Save 10 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Misty Cliffs:

Fishertonville <-> Glacier Bay: ~17 mins away! Save 16 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> San Digloo: ~18 mins away! Save 17 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Lake Freezberg: ~21 mins away! Save 20 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Snowpeak River: ~22 mins away! Save 21 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Snowpeak Summit: ~25 mins away! Save 25 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Sig´s Lair: ~13 mins away! Save 12 min via level 50/50 boat.

Fishertonville <-> Sig´s Vault: