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Description: The Alcatraz Pole attaches directly to the boat and specializes in catching the extraordinary fish of the Geminisles. This masterpiece was designed by the Ancient Mariner many years ago.

Cost 200,000
Strength 3,111
Lure Rating 60
Min. Points 1,300,000
Retail Outlet Poseidons Ring Fishing Pole Shop
Alcatraz Quests

Note: Dynamic leveling applies to poles in the Geminisles region. Poles do not come as Level 1/50 in the Geminisles, they come as level 1/10, and then you are able to purchase add-ons which add to your pole's base level, allowing you to further advance and eventually bring your pole up to level x/100.


Each upgrade costs gold and has a minimum pole level requirement before they can be purchased, and some have quest requirements.
NOTE: The add-on images are meant to be hidden.

Auto Reel[edit]

An electric reel upgrade increases the pole’s speed and power. Catch stronger fish located in Poseidon’s Ring.

Adds: 10 base levels to your Alcatraz
Min Req: Level 10 Alcatraz
Cost: 100,000 gold
Strength: 3,357
Skill Points: +123
Purchased from the Poseidons Ring Store

Auto Reel

Auto Chummer[edit]

This Add-on slows pole levelling

The Auto-Chummer releases chum into the water, so wranglers no longer need to manually chum the water!

Adds: 10 base levels to your Alcatraz
Min Req: Level 20 Alcatraz
Cost: 140,000 gold
Strength: 3,480
Skill Points: +123
Purchased from the Misty Cliffs Store

Auto Chummer

Control Seat[edit]

Relax in this large comfortable seat as wranglers await their next big catch.

Adds: 10 base levels to your Alcatraz
Min Req: Level 30 Alcatraz
Cost: 180,000 gold
Strength: 3603
Skill Points: +123
Purchased from the Misty Cliffs Store

Control Seat


Double spears are attached to the Alcatraz to catch the stronger breeds of Misty Cliffs.

Adds: 10 base levels to your Alcatraz
Min Req: Level 40 Alcatraz
Cost: 220,000 gold
Strength: 3726
Skill Points: +123
Purchased from the Misty Cliffs Store


Scuba Tank[edit]

Wranglers can fit into this large vessel that attaches to the pole, which allows for scuba diving the Bottomless Depths.

Adds: 10 base levels to your Alcatraz
Min Req: Level 50 Alcatraz
Cost: 260,000 gold
Strength: 3849
Skill Points: +123
Purchased from the Bottomless Depths Store

Scuba Tank


This Add-on slows pole leveling

High voltage lights improve vision while scuba diving.

Adds: 10 base levels to your Alcatraz
Min Req: Level 60 Alcatraz
Cost: 300,000 gold
Strength: 3,972
Skill Points: +123
Purchased from the Bottomless Depths Store



Gain speed and incredible force with this powerful propulsion system.

Complete: Half Shell Soup Quest to unlock!
Adds: 10 base levels to your Alcatraz
Min Req: Level 70 Alcatraz
Cost: 500,000 gold
Strength: ?
Skill Points: +?
Purchased from the Bottomless Depths Store



The three-pronged weapon comes in handy against the vicious Scissor Squid.

Complete: Ink Rolls Quest to unlock!
Adds: 10 base levels to your Alcatraz
Min Req: Level 80 Alcatraz
Cost: 800,000 gold
Strength: 4,218
Skill Points: +?
Purchased from the Bottomless Depths Store



The final augment completes the Alcatraz – nothing can escape this beast!

Adds: 10 base levels to your Alcatraz
Min Req: Level 90 Alcatraz
Cost: 1,200,000 gold
Strength: 4,341
Skill Points: +?
Purchased from the Bottomless Depths Store
