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Revision as of 01:02, 17 April 2024

Botanical Elementalist Fish
Roperian Fish
Min. Silver 3,000
Min. Points 3,020
Min. Tourn. Points
Bait Preference Warrior Chum + Beast Chum (combo)
Min. Weight 83.31 lb / TBD kg
Min. Pole Level 35 Medieval Maulerpole
Min. Skill
Habitat (Population) Wizard Forest (Very Rare)
In-game links
Botanical Elementalist Fish Page
Botanical Elementalist Fish Longest Streaks
Botanical Elementalist Fish First Catches
Botanical Elementalist Fish Trophy Catches
Botanical Elementalist Fish Most Catches

Description: The Botanical Elementalist, residing deep within the Wizard Forest, is a mystical being with a profound connection to the flora around her. With verdant tendrils for limbs and a complexion resembling fresh foliage, she effortlessly weaves magic using the plants and elements at her disposal. Her signature hat, adorned with an array of vibrant flowers and fruits, mirrors her deep bond with nature. Often seen engrossed in her ancient tome, she constantly seeks to deepen her knowledge and harness the potent energies of the forest. The gentle glow around her books suggests the arcane secrets they hold. As dusk falls, she becomes a beacon of green luminescence, guiding lost travelers and sharing her wisdom with those who seek it!

TIP: Drops the Floral Mage Cap Collectable ~50% of the time!