Talk:Fish Gold Values

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Fish that still need gold values[edit]

Although the Fish Gold Values page looks done, it's not!!

22 July 2014[edit]

We need to find out why some of the gold values in the graph aren't correct. (Ie: One fish that is 4,350 gold is showing up less than one that is worth 1,500 gold.) Maybe we don't even need this graph, as I don't like it that much. Instead should have a better representation to compare gold values or a 2nd version of the graph that's accurate.

I know gold isn't in demand like it used to be over 4-5 years ago, unless you just started FW or you don't have friends who will "help you".

Fish_gold_table Fishes that still need gold values: All of Shipwreck Explorer Jeydo (talk) 19:50, July 22, 2014 (UTC)