Sharkerys Fish

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Sharkerys Fish
Roperian Fish
Min. Silver 3,400
Min. Points 3,470
Min. Tourn. Points
Bait Preference King Chum
Min. Weight 1,167 lb / TBD kg
Min. Pole Level 110 Medieval Maulerpole
Min. Skill
Habitat (Population) Ironclad Castle (Threatened)
In-game links
Sharkerys Fish Page
Sharkerys Fish Longest Streaks
Sharkerys Fish First Catches
Sharkerys Fish Trophy Catches
Sharkerys Fish Most Catches

Description: Resplendent with iridescent silver-blue scales, Sharkerys rules the underwater realms with grace and power. Said to be born from the foam of a mythical sea volcano, its fins ripple through the water like flames, and it is often followed by a devoted shoal of fiery red-orange fish that resemble its "dragon" entourage. Sharkerys is revered and respected, with a regal bearing that commands attention from all sea creatures.

Part of Sorcery Soup quest (14 fish required) and Royale Almondegas quest (32 fish required)