Sea Dog Fish

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Sea Dog Fish
Farovian Fish
Habitat (Population) Krakken Rocks (Average)
Min. Gold 2,832
Min. Points 3,523
Min. Tourn. Points 482 points
Min. Weight 50.00 lb / 22.68 kg
Min. Pole Level 110 Royal Rescuer
Min. Skill Truth of Piracy and Rescue
In-game links
Sea Dog Fish Page
Sea Dog Fish Longest Streaks
Sea Dog Fish First Catches
Sea Dog Fish Trophy Catches
Sea Dog Fish Most Catches

Description: The droopy-eyed fish fell in love with the sea during his navy days back in 1927. With a nautical tattoo on the bicep, this Sea Dog is not an ordinary hound dog, but rather a highly trained mariner that is catchable on a Level 110+ Royal Rescuer.

FW Trivia: The Sea Dogs were English pirates at the time of Queen Elizabeth I. Also known as Elizabethan Pirates (1560 to 1605), they had her permission to deal in acts of piracy and attack Spanish.
Sea lions are also sometimes called sea dogs by children by the way they look, this is also way to describe "a man or dog" at sea.

They are a loyal friendly find for their gold & point rewards especially during the Flip Bonus Quest, but a beast of burden otherwise such as during the Parribea SBQ.