La Renaissance

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La Renaissance
La Renaissance.jpg
Cost 8,929 (1,000,000 - 9k less per hour)
Strength 60,000
Lure Rating
Requirement Reach Illa de Porta
Retail Outlet Illa de Porta
La Renaissance Quests

Description: The La Renaissance is a popular choice for new fisherman of Melody Beach, it's telescopic abilities make it perfect for packing and bringing with you wherever you go! Be sure to stock up on Sandy's special UV Sunscream, or you'll be paying hefty repair fees!

The La Renaissance is one of two poles you can choose to use when you begin in the Illa de Porta region - the other is the La Distanza. It was released on April 9, 2022. The pole originally costs higher on the day of release, starting at 1,000,000 Silver. It then decreases by 9k less per hour, until it reached 8,929.

Max Level: 100
Exp. per level: 140105

As of August 21, 2024, the exp. per level was sped up 25% so it's now 105.[1]



Ameliorer was released April 15, 2022

Whole structure upgrade and reinforcements! *Addon may slow down pole leveling*

Adds: 25 base levels to your La Renaissance
Min Req: Level 10 La Renaissance
Cost: 8,621 (was 2,500,000 - 9k per hour) silver
Strength: 60,431 (+308) / 61,640 (+315)
Skill Points: +308 / +314
Purchased from the Illa de Porta


Pole leveling is now 145 exp. per level


Epique was released May 13, 2022

You'll win the battle with the first Epic Sword upgrade! *Addon may slow down pole leveling*

Adds: 16 base levels to your La Renaissance
Min Req: Level 35 La Renaissance
Cost: 7,813 (was 1,500,000 - 8k per hour) silver
Strength: 60,628 (+197) / 61,841 (+201)
Skill Points: +197 / +201
Purchased from the Cote De Rope


Pole leveling is now 150 exp. per level.

Le Coupeur[edit]

Le Coupeur was released May 23, 2022

The sword addition, dices and slices! *Addon may slow down pole leveling*

Adds: 17 base levels to your La Renaissance
Min Req: Level 51 La Renaissance
Cost: 9,488 (2,000,000 - 9k per hour) silver
Strength: 60,837 (+209) / 62,054 (+213)
Skill Points: +209 / +213
Purchased from the Cote De Rope

Le Coupeur

Pole leveling is now 155 exp. per level.


Catapulte was released June 13, 2022

Ready, aim and fire the fully automated catapult! *Addon may slow down pole leveling*

Adds: 19 base levels to your La Renaissance
Min Req: Level 68 La Renaissance
Cost: 9,868 (was 2,400,000 - 10k less per hour) silver
Strength: 61,071 (+234) / 62,292 (+238)
Skill Points: +234 / +238
Purchased from the Tomba de Legenda


Pole leveling is now 260 exp. per level

Le Pecheur[edit]

Le Pecheur was released July 5, 2022.

Also required is the Legendary Secrets skill.

Ready, aim and fire the fully automated catapult! *Addon may slow down pole leveling*

Adds: 13 base levels to your La Renaissance
Min Req: Level 87 La Renaissance
Cost: TBD (was 6,000,000 - 24k less per hour) silver
Skill Points: +

Le Pecheur

Pole leveling is now TBD exp. per level

Pole Exclusive Fish[edit]

All poles have fish that can only be caught exclusively by that pole. The set of fish that can only be caught by the La Renaissance are:

Sea Scooter Fish Level 9+
Lemoncello Fish Level 19+
Poppedeye Fish Level 30+