Forum:Woodpecker,Poison Oak)

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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Forum:Woodpecker,Poison Oak)

Is there any bait that can be used to catch either of these fish ...I have been doing this quest for what seems like forever and not having any luck :(

Woodpecker Fish prefers Fish Guts Chum and Poison Oak Fish prefers RLC as is stated on their pages here on wiki and in the application.
Thatcherw 02:45, October 12, 2009 (UTC)
well, it says preferred chum. should be able to bite with whatever chum but with a smaller percentage... i.e. a grim biting on steak chum instead of loaf. but haven't seen it happen with the last 2 fishes on my 2 max poles. haven't fished that long with the poles though so i couldn't say? --big zoid, Big Zoid, BIG ZOID!!! 10:33, October 12, 2009 (UTC)

I have been using Fish Guts trying to get the last woodpeckers for the quest I started 2 months and 2 weeks ago. You just have to keep with it and get lucky.... even though it says "Fish Guts Chum (Using this chum will double your chances)" I guess that does not mean during quest....