Forum:What is the best bait to catch a Ninja been using love chum for days no luck?

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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Forum:What is the best bait to catch a Ninja been using love chum for days no luck?

What is the best chum to catch a Ninja been using love chum for 4 days and no luck.

There is no best chum, but if you're looking to catch them for the quest, you should try using a Ninja Attractant in Fishertonville.
--LayzAyzn 22:35, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

You really need to use an attractant :) I've never caught one without.
i agree, go to fishtertonville and buy some attractants then use at least steak chum. got all the ninjas in my quests with those. --big zoid, Big Zoid, BIG ZOID!!! 03:30, October 7, 2009 (UTC)

Conclusion: Don't bother trying to catch a Ninja without the Dojo Mojo attractant! Start another quest instead, and wait to collect enough shells to buy one. :-)