Forum:What chum do I need to use for the cornucopia and turtle in waterport

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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Forum:What chum do I need to use for the cornucopia and turtle in waterport

I steadfastly refuse to leave farovia until I have caught ALL of the fish there. I had caught all the fish at magma reef and water port and was going to start working on fishertonville and then two new fish were released (arghhhh!!!) I have been fishing exclusively in water port since Saturday, trying to bag a turtle or cornucopia. I am fishing with a level 50 broken standard (I realise I need to level up my oak branch a bit for one of these fish)and I have not seen hide nor hair of either of them. Should I be using something other than cayenne chum? Any tips regarding what pole and chum would be much appreciated - so if you've caught one, HELP ME PLEASE!!

I've caught 4 Cornucopias with a Level 50 Broken Standard and Cayenne Chum. The Cornucopia is just rarer than the other fish.
--LayzAyzn 06:47, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

got both on a lv 50 oak with loaf chum all in waterport