Forum:Resources bugged?

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Just wondering if resource use was bugged after Sig's Shell shop's release.

I'm trying to catch my last Joan of Farovia for a quest, so I decided to use an attractant with my lvl 70/70 Steam Hydro-Pole.

A 2.08 ft Joan of Farovia Fish swam by and ate my chum. A 2.33 ft Joan of Farovia Fish swam by and ate my chum. A 2.25 ft Joan of Farovia Fish swam by and ate my chum. A 2.42 ft Joan of Farovia Fish swam by and ate my chum.

Last 4 casts.. (minus crew trips)

So not only are Smaller Joan of Farovia Fish unwitting my maxed out pole (the usual is ~4 LBS).. it doesn't seem to be using charges of Attractant either.


-- DT