Forum:Mechanic Fish

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What are some ideas for catching the mechanic fish? I am using broken standard pole level 80 with augments, and using Fish Guts chum, which it says it will double my chances of catching with. I have only caught 4 of the 15 I need for the last Broken Standard quest, and I have been doing this quest for almost 2 weeks. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Concretelogic77 20:19, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

You are already doing all that you can [unless you also have Liquid Golds].
--LayzAyzn 21:28, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

You can also activate k9 pheromone and Boo juice. I have had better success doing this. It limits the Miny/catty type catches. Thus increasing your chances. :)