Forum:Magma Reef - awful setup for

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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Forum:Magma Reef - awful setup for

If you use rainwater to repel Fireball and Lighter Fish, then there are two other crappy fish showing up - Boiling Fish and Cherry Bomb, so it is really an awful place to cast in the tournament. It is almost better to skip it altogether!!! User: (Talk)

I disagree Magma Reef is the reason I am going to finish in the top 3 of my tourny User: (Talk)

I've been down this aisle myself and to be honest since Boiling Fish and Cherry Bomb give more Gold than the Fireball and Lighter (which also offer some pretty sweet Gold rewards themselves) I really see a lack of reason to complain.

In terms of tournaments if you need points that badly just fire up some Liquid Gold and go catch an Octo Magma Fish would be my suggestion. MM (Report Errors) Team Victories (Main Base) 21:20, December 9, 2013 (UTC)