Forum:Is there a bait that can lure the hippie fish??

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Is there a bait that can lure the hippie fish??

Hippie fish do not have a preferred chum, but if you are trying to catch them for the Broken Standard quest, you can fish in Blue Crescent. The only available fish to catch is the Hippie fish, although you will have to deal with messages saying your pole is too "low-leveled" and have to pay the occasional ~35 gold to fix your pole if/when it breaks.
--LayzAyzn 02:23, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

I catch hippie fish in fishertonville with no problems using loaf chums and a rifle pole - also catch with cayenne chum

laof and cayenne chum are good anf if u want even more u can use munchies which is a hipie attractant

I found Munchies to work a treat in Blue Cresent

Edited:22 Oct 09 ( 0019 EST ) I have caught a couple of the hippie fish in waterport using generic chum and broken oak branch pole.

with the munchies attractant, purchased at the resource exchange, plus any chum would work fine. --Hollow ichigo 17:47, October 23, 2009 (UTC)