Distressed Damsel Fish

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Distressed Damsel Fish
Farovian Fish
Distressed Damsel Hidden.jpg
Habitat (Population) Guardians Gate (Numerous)
Min. Gold 914
Min. Points 955
Min. Tourn. Points
Great Catch Tourn. Points points
Min. Weight 50.00 lb / 22.68 kg
Min. Pole Guardian Grabber
Min. Skill
In-game links
Distressed Damsel Fish Page
Distressed Damsel Fish Longest Streaks
Distressed Damsel Fish First Catches
Distressed Damsel Fish Trophy Catches
Distressed Damsel Fish Most Catches

Description: The woes of the Distressed Damsel echo across the Guardian Gate, alarming many newcomers of the challenges of the region. Save the poor maiden with a low-leveled Guardian Grabber.

You will catch this fish on all pole levels in Guardians Gate. This fish was designed to keep people from having a unfair advantage using lower level poles in advanced areas to gain last place finishes in future tournaments.