2013 Changelog Archives

From Fish Wrangler
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January 2013[edit]


  • If you happened to buy a Fir Branch prior to getting credited back on from the elves, and it's the wrong level, then please let us know and we'll fix it.

Otherwise all Fir Branch poles should be added back now to their correct level. The elves of the North will be taking them away for good next week.

  • Fixed the accepting of crew requests via facebook notifications. You can also now quickly accept pending crew requests from the My Crew page!

1) Go to: https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/crew 2) You should then see a yellow box at the top with pending crew requests that you can accept/decline. If you don't see anything, then you don't have any pending crew requests.

  • Fixed the Dancer Fish thumbnail images.

When you're traveling and the trolling net is unable to be activated (ie voyage time < 2 min), it no longer shows the trolling net image.

  • There's now a 5 second rate limit for exchanging Love Chum for Deckhand Vouchers or Red Sharks.
  • It has come to my attention that many users are still being wrongly forwarded off of FB. If you're having this issue, please explain with as much detail as possible here:


Include the browser name/version you're using, and if there are specific URL's that you go to that cause this to happen. Also, please include the specific FVT timestamp of when you get wrongly forwarded.

  • You can no longer catch any fish in an area, where there's less than a 30% chance of making a catch. This fixes the bug, where in Icelantica and other locations, where you bring a low level pole, to a high level area.. with the chance of only catching 1 fish and getting long catching streaks. You're given an error message saying to change your pole/location, if effected by this change.
  • Fixed the redirect error when playing on fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler. I believe part of it was with your browser not properly loading our javascript, and then clicking a link that isn't updated via javascript, so that you don't get redirected away. I've added in a warning message in the header, if you're now ever effected by this.. It should say: "Link Error: Please go to: _________"

I've changed the name "One Day Only" to "Special Occasion", because the Halloween and Reindeer fish were in a new class of their own.. so you can now harness LG on one day only fish along with these new fish types!


Mousso is releasing the next multi-pole fish tomorrow, which requires the Nail Fly, Palm Spear, and Kelp Net to be fully leveled!

  • Paypal is still working on the crediting issue and it should be resolved this afternoon. Basically all orders from this morning (12 AM FVT-noon) did not go through. We'll make sure to credit accounts w/ RLC as soon as this is fixed! Sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Fixed top 100 catch leaderboards updating on profiles for new fish.

The Longest Streak leaderboards should now be updating every 2 days. This leaderboard takes the most processing power out of all leaderboards, and wasn't properly updating for the last couple weeks. Sorry!

Added in the Sans Culpra Super Bonus Quest profile trophy image.

Deckhand Deb just handed out the Stormy Charybdis polaroids - check your logs to see if you were credited or go to: http://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/polaroid/stormy-charybdis

  • The most quests/fastest quest records should now be auto-updated daily into your profile quest record listings.
  • Updated the night fishing warning banner, to say what the town/pole preference is by the captain. If one is not set, it will automatically be set to whatever the party uses first. This should help with delinquent players, who can now click one link in the header to switch to the town and equip the correct pole.

I could potentially do something that moves players to the correct spots, if they opt in

February 2013[edit]


  • Just got a bunch of our merchandise from Cafepress.. and it's awesome!

Follow Fish Wrangler on twitter and watch out for special giveaways: https://twitter.com/fish_wrangler

  • We've released the first 5 of 9 Valentine's Day fish.. and started the Red Luv Contest in Waterport with the new Heart Strings pole!

We'll be released the next 3 addons and the last 4 fish, at different times of the day over the next couple days.

  • I'll be checking on the heart strings pole issue shortly.
  • Updated the top 100 first catches of the valentines day fish to properly show in your profile records. :-)
  • We'll be taking back the Heart Strings Pole + posting details of your Valentine Fish stats and crediting out the contest winners in about a week.. so people have time to still level up and try to catch some of the last vday fish.
  • Fixed bug with popup alert saying to buy the next boat, when you meet the requires. (Wasn't letting you purchase it before)

-Fixed typo with not meeting the next quest catch requirement.

-Added the Patty Fish to the "Special Occasion" list which allows it to be LG harness-able.

March 2013[edit]


  • We will be starting a St. Patrick's Day Fish Contest later this week that'll run for about 6-7 days over the holiday.

To switch things up, we'll be hosting the contest in Santa Francesca (Roperia) and requiring a Level 80+ Floral Standard Pole. Botanists claim clovers are heavily attracted to the strength of the Floral Standard

We've had many complaints in the past when allowing lower leveled poles into contests, so that's why wranglers will be required to use a fully leveled pole. Hopefully this is enough time for wranglers to max out their poles before the contest starts (FYI: the Floral Standard is one of the fastest leveling poles in the game).

Happy fishing!

  • You can now purchase the Floral Standard pole. It was previously marked as a contest pole, which prevented it from purchase.
  • Fixed bug with getting oxygen in the Sig levels when you have a rebreather addon (which gives you unlimited oxygen). Thanks Gay N. for the email bug report!
  • Changed the 10 year storm message notice to only hide for 1 hour, instead of 1 day.. due to many users not seeing updates and asking on the forum how to buy the weather monitor or search for the bikini. I've also changed those messages to appear while traveling and while not in the correct town.. (This may have been another reason for confusion.. so now they'll see the message, but then told to move to the correct location.) Thanks Gay N. for this report as well.
  • Made the search the forums section much more apparent, in hopes that it'll be used more often.
  • The webservers will restart each day at 10:30am FVT, which should help keep them fast and furious.
  • Fixed forum search link displays.. all sorts of strange bugs after recent forum update.

Changing your pole/location via the night fishing header warning, should now properly update your pole list.

I'm working on a Roperia Resource Exchange with Dictator Danzic.. and a new feature to hide profile prizes.. (not just delete them)

  • Danzic has allowed Sir Sigfried to open up a Sigs Shell Shoppe in Roperia!

Check out the new location, while in Roperia, at: http://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/shell-exchange

Danzic is feeling nice, and no this isn't an April Fools joke.. He's added new resources to be rewarded when handing in the following Collection Sets: -Mosquito Warrior -Chief of Cadaver -Bandito -Native Warrior -Homeless Villain -Mad Patient

And he'll be slowly crediting you with the new resources they reward now. Look for a message like: -Danzic credited me with (4) Liquid Light (Had 0, have 4) & (4) Caffeine Pill (Had 0, have 4) for completing the Mosquito Warrior Set 1 time! Visit the new Roperian Resource Exchange!

Sigfried is currently working on an agreement with Danzic for exchanging five of one collectable to get the next rarer collectable. We've heard the deal should be reached by late tonight.


April 2013[edit]


  • Changed forum edit time from 2 minutes to 5 minutes, due to user feedback.

Danzic has allowed Sir Sigfried to open up a Sigs Shell Shoppe in Roperia!

Check out the new location, while in Roperia, at: http://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/shell-exchange

Danzic is feeling nice, and no this isn't an April Fools joke.. He's added new resources to be rewarded when handing in the following Collection Sets: -Mosquito Warrior -Chief of Cadaver -Bandito -Native Warrior -Homeless Villain -Mad Patient

And he'll be slowly crediting you with the new resources they reward now. Look for a message like: -Danzic credited me with (4) Liquid Light (Had 0, have 4) & (4) Caffeine Pill (Had 0, have 4) for completing the Mosquito Warrior Set 1 time! Visit the new Roperian Resource Exchange!

Sigfried is currently working on an agreement with Danzic for exchanging five of one collectable to get the next rarer collectable. We've heard the deal should be reached by late tonight.


  • I'm testing with what the potential gold costs would be for buying deckhand vouchers and red sharks.. to help with the gold economy.. so in order to do so, I rose the 30k of gold per piece of RLC restriction to 100k gold.. to see how/if the trades go... which will then help determine a floating price point based on the average gold cost of RLC.


  • Added in feature to hide/unhide profile prizes.. just look for the "Hide?" link next to the profile prize that you want to, wait for it,.... hide!

Post by application developer.

  • We're finishing up the beta test of the new trading of collectables feature.. couple more tweaks until it's officially released!

Changed night fishing to allow you to go once every 23 hours, instead of every 24.. so you can switch back an hour when the daylight savings time change occurs.. since FVT doesn't have daylight savings. (Changed due to user feedback)

  • Updated the Fish NOW timer for the first time since our first day! If you skip and your timer goes over 1 hour, it'll say exactly how much time is left.

It'll now properly update the time.. if you're on a slow mobile device, you may notice the timer skipping.. but that's it just keeping up with the actual time. It'll now update every second, instead of every 5 seconds.. when over a minute.. and it'll actually be faster now with the new code.

  • Fixed issue with redirecting off of apps.facebook.com due to a strange oAuth issue.
  • The next level SS Whiskey will be coming sometime tomorrow! Sorry for the delay, there were a few bugs we ironed out.. and a couple work arounds I needed to add for features that were troublesome. Thanks to all of the beta testers who helped me out!

Also, I just realized we're almost at one million forum posts.. We're currently at: 87,700 topics and ~953,477 posts. Just to add a little fun, we're giving away 100 RLC to the one millionth post. You'll be disqualified if you're spamming and/or posting filler posts tho! I think it should take us a month or two to get there..

  • So some people earlier today were able to find out where SS Whiskey is with the Spear Gun in the EoS. It was locked soon after, but to make things fair, everyone should now be able to complete this step.

I will give everyone an hour to complete this part of the story and go to Waterport to meet Earl and buy one of the new Spear Guns.

I'll be putting in a road block for traveling to SS Whiskey, which everyone should then be at the same point.. and things should be fair.

Sorry for any confusion! This all started with the release time getting entered as 11:00:00, which should have been 11am FVT not 9am FVT. SS Whiskey will still be opening around 11am FVT.

  • Continue to follow the storyline text underneath your My Setup image. You should now be able to have seen Stu go missing and have the opportunity to purchase the viking collection set: http://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/c/viking

SS Whiskey is coming with the hour!

  • The next addons for the new scuba guns will be released by Earl at 4pm FVT today.

Post by application developer.

  • Added in a "Are you sure you want to leave this quest?" dialog, when clicking the "leave?" link on a quest. (Which is the same thing you'll see when clicking "quit?" when you're the quest leader.
  • There should be a button to invite friends into your crew, from their profiles, under the "Trade RLC" button.
  • Due to several requests from users, we'll be making a few adjustments to the advanced Farovian tournament class (legendary - class 14), which will include the Eye of the Storm & SS Whiskey. Hope everyone is enjoying the new level!

May 2013[edit]


  • You can now purchase Algae and Plankton chum in SS Whiskey.. We've heard there might be a connection to these new levels and Sir Sigfried!
  • Fixed a bug with super bonus quests appearing as incomplete, when viewing it on other poles.

For example: https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/quest/fancy-rifle-pole

Now shows the Waterport quest as complete, if you've completed it.

  • Fixed a bug with catching the parasail while shuttling, and it not saying if you got gold or silver.

For example: "Shuttling to Roperia! Captured a 250.81 lb Parasail, worth 6,027 points and 5,978!"

  • You should now be able to send FW.com invites.

If you're logged in on fish-wrangler.com and go to someones profile, and click the button on the bottom right that says: "Invite to FW Crew?"

The other person will receive a notification, asking them to accept the crew request.. outside of Facebook.

  • Fixed some display issues on the iPhone.. (the news text was always showing up very large.. causing the Fish NOW! link and other things to be much further down then they should have been. If you're having any other strange display issues on the iPhone/iPad.. please post it in the Bugs section on the forum.

We're continuing work on SS Minefield! We'll be doing a closed beta test of it tomorrow.. and releasing it sometime this weekend.

  • Earl has started the beta test of the next level - SS Minefield. We're shooting for the release to be Sunday morning. We'll let ya know 24 hours in advance, of when it'll be.
  • SS Minefield will be released at 7am FVT tomorrow. We'll be adding a countdown timer to the header shortly.
  • I had to create a hold up on the voyage to SS Whiskey, hence the opening today at 9:43am.. because the beta testers never created a wiki spoiler for the new level.. and some of them knew to start off in Waterport, where the next portion of Chapter 7 of the Shipwreck Explorer storyline starts.

I thought this was unfair so I added in a block on the voyage there.. so everyone could start at the same time.

Anyways, I'm going to be looking for some new beta testers that have already added to the Fish Wrangler wiki, so in the future, all racers can read the wiki before hand.. and know exactly where to start and what do do/click.. because otherwise it'll be an unfair advantage.

See: https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/forum/questions?id=88482

  • Released the 3rd and 4th quests for each of the shipwreck spear poles.
  • Fixed the Wood Fries quest requirements. It previously had the same reqs as Killer Knackwurst.

June 2013[edit]


  • Fixed a couple typo's in the Shipwreck Explorer storyline.

Fixed a bug with some browsers javascript not properly changing form's.. so when you're stopped by an enemy it wrongly forwards you to fw.com.

Adding in a low level fish in SS whiskey, as many people are going there with poles less than level 25.. and there aren't any fish there at that level, so you'll get the "change pole/location" error message when trying to fish there.

  • We're going to be doing some server maintenance on our web servers. You shouldn't experience any downtime.. However, your profile fish and quest records may get temporarily cleared out. They'll be back once all of the scripts re-run.
  • Sorry for the forum downtime.. All of our server maintenace is now complete.

I'm going to now add in a MTB sending feature to your crew and not just FB friends.

  • Released new feature for sending MTB's to people in your crew that you're not FB friends with, check it out here:

https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/mystery-tackle-box?scrollto=non_friends#non_friends OR https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/mystery-tackle-box#non_friends

  • Fixed error page while viewing Mystery Tackle Boxes. You may see an error message at the bottom now, saying to reload if you want to send MTB's to crew that you're not friends with.
  • Temporarily increased the population of the Blackhawk Ray in Sans Culpra, for the contest.. so it's a little more balanced.

Since the Blackhawk Ray is a part of the Sans Culpra SBQ, I added in new code to prevent getting an unfair boost on it, and having it count towards the contest. So if you're doing this SBQ, you won't get a boost on the Blackhawk Ray during the contest.

July 2013[edit]


  • We're shooting to have the next level, SS Graveyard, released this Saturday, July 6th.

We'll keep ya posted with any other updates/changes to the estimated release date.

Make sure you've finished Chapter 11 of Shipwreck Explorer! https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/story/shipwreck-explorer

We'll allow users who've gotten to SS Minefield to unlock Chapter 11 for 100 RLC, when SS Graveyard is released.

  • We're not going to be offering the unlock of chapter 11 for 100 RLC.. because some players may not have a level 50 pole.. which would make SS graveyard worthless.. as there are all higher level fish.
  • Started the beta test of SS Graveyard. The Mer King is awaiting his first victims!
  • If you want to not miss a beat in tomorrows release of SS Graveyard, check on the spoiler tutorial on the wiki! http://fishwrangler.wikia.com/wiki/Spoiler_Graveyard
  • There was a slight issue with using the excalipole during the Shipwreck Explorer storyline.. it was requiring a level 60+ excalipole.. I've since removed that requirement. If you lost any Crazy Pills due to this, we will happily credit you back.

Just attach the skippers log message via the contact form showing you used it and we'll verify your account.. http://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/contact

  • Fish Wrangler is finally in the Facebook App Center and getting lots of new users each day! Be nice to the newbies on the forums!
  • Fixed a loophole that let people fish without a lava suit in Magma Reef and lose points, keeping them in a lower tournament class. Also removed the tournament rubies from anyone caught for doing this, as it's unfair to others who play fairly.
  • When you go over 100% Majestic, it'll show how far over you are.. instead of saying "0%".

Fixed the night fishing leaderboards, which were removing parties that had a captain over 400m points!

Congrats to those over 100% Majestic!

Check out: https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/night-fishing-board (may need to refresh one time to see your crew's stats up top)

  • Fixed an issue with the MTB page not always loading. I believe it's due to the slow facebook call to check people that are in your crew, but not Facebook friends. It'd often take over 6 seconds, which will cause the page to timeout.

If you want to view non-fb friends you can send MTB's to, just go to: https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/mystery-tackle-box?non-fb (this link is also available at the bottom of the regular mtb page)

  • You can now harness LG on the 11 most rare fish. (This is due to the Horizantal Shark being the 11th rarest in SS Graveyard, and its counter parts - winghead and hellfire - being harnessable.. which isn't fair)

August 2013[edit]


  • Released the Tentacle of Terror polaroid:


Releasing the Sig Sanctorio multi-spear shipwreck region fish and polaroid in mid to late August: https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/polaroid/sig-sanctorio

Added the Icelantica SBQ image: https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/quest-fastest/icelantica

  • Updated profiles so that the "Quest Records" section has to be clicked into, to view. It was slowing down top player profiles by about 4-5 seconds, causing them to sometimes not load.

Fixed crazy quest bug where one person had 255 catches of the first requirement on some of the SBQ's.. causing future catches not to count. (Hence the short 4 minute downtime on quests just now.. had to update entire DB)

I'm going to be adding in Facebook's "Local Currency" feature for Credits. See: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2012/06/19/introducing-subscriptions-and-local-currency-pricing/

  • Facebook Credits are now setup on your local currency.. so if you're in GB and AU (or anywhere besides theUS), it should auto-convert and display the amount in your own currency. Please let us know if you experience any issues/oddities with it, as I've only been able to test with USD's. Thanks!
  • Facebook was sending people to /fishwrangler/my/ which was causing a 404 error.

I've made a workaround so this doesn't happen anymore, sorry!

  • When you click a FB notification that a friend or friends sent you a Mystery Tackle Box, it should now properly forward you to the accept MTB page. (This was recently broken after FB's last code push)
  • Earl released his awesome polaroid photo of deckhand diego and deb wrangling in Sig Sanctorio! https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/polaroid/sig-sanctorio

September 2013[edit]


  • Updated the overall caught fish percentage to not include Monster Stu, since he's a bit rare!

Fixed bug causing the like us popup to constantly appear for new users.

Still trying to debug MTB send back issues (ie goes blank after sending back).

  • Sig's SBQ will be released either later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Just a heads up on the start requirements...Sir Sig is requiring wranglers to hand over 225K gold, 17 Sigfried's 57th & 6 Crazy Pills to start up this quest. Good luck!

October 2013[edit]


  • We're going to have two more Octo contests later this month, after the Lawyer Up and Dream On contests that occur this weekend.

We're also working on the next Mythical Nigh Fish and laying out the technical details for the next levels.

  • Fixed a bug that caused higher level poles to appear in Magma Reef, when you had a higher level pole wrongly equipped. The bug could have been happening in many other locations. Thanks for the report Josh B.
  • Sorry for the recent outtage.. It looks like something got stuck in the database and held up all of the servers. Things seem to be moving much faster now. I'm keeping a close eye on it!
  • If you handed in the Happy Halloween set up until now, your chum list may not have refreshed. If it looks like you weren't credited, always be sure to refresh your list! https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/refresh-chum

I've fixed this from happening for anyone else who hands it in.

  • The Jack O Pus from 2011's halloween contest is no longer randomly catchable. It's been added to the one day LG fish list in waterport, if you haven't caught it. http://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/fish/jack-o-pus
  • You should now be marked as ONLINE, more quickly... as we've had some reports that you weren't being marked ONLINE quickly enough before going night fishing.

November 2013[edit]


Removed the Halloween Collectables from Waterport/Graveyard.. added the Halloween Hedactopus to the One Day Only fish list. It's catchable via Liquid Gold in Waterport now.

Added in pole damage to the Ten Year Storm and Shipwreck levels, beware!

  • Poles that belong to old contests, will no longer be displayed in the pole shop.

I'm going to try to debug the MTB issue with the friend list not appearing.. seems to only happen to specific friend lists.

  • On mobile phones, you will see the list of everyone in your crew, regardless if they can be sent a MTB or not. This is a limitation of Facebook's App Request dialog on mobile devices.. I've changed our code to no longer even say who to exclude on mobile phones, which has cleared up a major portion of the problems it seems many people were having.
  • I've still been working on the MTB issue on mobile devices..

It's on Facebook's end.. and we have a bug report in with them, so hopefully they can get it resolved. It's been previously reported to them, but they've closed it with the status of "By Design".. which cannot be the case.

I have a workaround in place on mobile devices, that will allow you to send MTB's to anyone on your entire friends list.

The facebook mobile app request page cannot: -Hide friends who cannot receive MTB's -Limit the number of MTB's you send out

These are inherent limitations to how Facebook built the send dialog. There's nothing we can apparently do about this part.

  • Facebook has marked the bug that's causing MTB problems, as high priority.. and should have a fix soon. Follow it here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/232968666865788
  • There's an issue with the 2nd persons rewards on the Thanksgiving Feast quest. I'll have a fix in on monday to credit any of the 2nd people on a quest that didn't get credited. Don't worry!
  • If a special multi-region quest (ie Thanksgiving Feast Quest) is completed, and you shuttle to a different region, it will no longer auto-activate... due to user feedback.

December 2013[edit]


  • The ancient mariner handed out profile badges for those who completed the thanksgiving feast quest! Anyone else who completes it will automatically get it upon completion.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't credit you with grace period time, if you were using the /fish-now?fish-again link or the SKIP link, when you didn't need to use a SKIP.
  • We're planning on releasing a 12 days of December collection, where you can find a new item in a new location each day, for 12 different days.. Stay tuned!
  • When on FB.com's forums, the "Delete | Close " links for your thread would always go to apps.facebook.com. It's now fixed and stays on the site you're on.
  • Super Spud has been moved to the one day catch list in Waterport! https://fish-wrangler.com/fishwrangler/fish/spud
  • The forums now will auto-change links to FW, to be on whichever version of the site you're one.. apps.facebook.com or fish-wrangler.com. It was a bit annoying when someone posts a link to the other version and you get forwarded off.
  • Added in falling snow! You can turn it on/off via:


  • holiday smiley!
  • Due to user feedback, Captain Jozek has spiced up treasure chests! You can find "MTB Opens", which allow you to open up more MTB's on the day! In order to see one in a treasure you must have opened all 20 for the day.. and it can't be a multiplier treasure. Good luck!
  • The new "12 Days" Collectables get rarer and rarer with each one that you find. You have a 100% chance at getting it the first time you catch a fish that drops the collectable, a 51% chance on the 2nd time, and a 2% chance on the 3rd time.

I've added in trading restrictions for the days collectable, so that someone can't get 1, trade it to a fake account, so there number sets back to 100% at finding it.. and just repeating it. No one took advantage of this, I just noticed that some people started getting well over 3.. which wasn't what I originally intended.

So now, you can only trade the ones you have after the day of finding them has ended.. which solves the issue.

Good luck to all!

  • Disabled autocorrect of the captcha on mobile devices!
  • Added in new feature: "Pole & chum suggestions"!

When you travel to a new location, the voyaging message in the lower right corner will have a "Suggested Pole..." and "Suggested Chum..." drop down, which you can quickly select and equip them while traveling. Enjoy!

  • Captain Jozek will be handing out 4 free "12 Days of December" collectables, of your choice, after the New Year... It's to help those who were unable to collect some of the items.. Happy Holidays!

NOTE: Not 4 collections.. 4 individual collectables.