Forum:My Cubey stopped catching fish.

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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Forum:My Cubey stopped catching fish.

I recently was trying for the ice cubes in Magna Reef. I heated the pole then waited but now my pole will not catch anything. I get the message nice whiff didnt catch anything no mater where i use it. Does anyone know what the problem my be? I wasnt quit to level 15 either before i tried it and now I cant even get it to level up. Any answers,hints or tips would be greatly appreciated. User: (Talk)

I'm having the same trouble with my Evil Obliterator. Stuck at 82% for level 53 of 63. :( User: (Talk)

Cubey Incinerator, if you're getting 'Didn't catch anything, nice whiff' then you're probably not using a chum that is compatible with Magma Reef. Make sure you're using Fire Sludge Chum Steak Chum , or either of the love chums. (Red Love Chum or Free Love Chum)

Evil Obliterator, afraid I can't help you much but I suspect you may be having the same problem, make sure that your active chum is Nail Goo Chum or Red/Free Love Chum. MM (Report Errors) Team Victories (Main Base) 21:31, December 9, 2013 (UTC)