King Puffy Fish

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King Puffy Fish
Roperian Fish
Min. Silver 3,300
Min. Points 3,300
Min. Tourn. Points 382 points
Great Catch Tourn. Points 763 points
Bait Preference King Chum
Min. Weight 333.31 lb / TBD kg
Min. Pole Level 48 Medieval Maulerpole
Min. Skill
Habitat (Population) Wizard Forest (Endangered)
In-game links
King Puffy Fish Page
King Puffy Fish Longest Streaks
King Puffy Fish First Catches
King Puffy Fish Trophy Catches
King Puffy Fish Most Catches

Description: From the meek depths of the ocean floor, this puffer fish ascended to the magical forest's highest honor. With an appetite as vast as Medieveleton, he's grown to a size where the throne groans beneath him. Beware, wrangler adventurers, for this royal catch isn't just a big fish in a small pond—he's one of the monarchs of the entire forest! 

Part of Puffin Pumpkin (8 fish required)