Forum:Saving New Pages :)

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If you read this, please explain why creating a new page makes the #$%&! wiki ask to "enter letters in the box below" but then when I do this... nothing happens and I cannot save the new page.

Forums: Index > Watercooler > Forum:Saving New Pages :)

It makes you enter in letters into a text box? That is strange. I have noticed though that trying to edit content with Firefox lately has been giving me some problems so you might try a different browser like Chrome or Internet Explorer. I don't think this has to do with the Fish Wrangler wiki but with Wikia itself. Otherwise, I am not sure what you're referring to because I haven't had the problem you speak of... DrewR 15:13, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

- To the original question, you need to register first or you will likely be prompted to verify your not a bot, etc each time you made a change or add a new page. We need to do some housekeeping on old things that have been answered too, but not deleted or will really help anyone else. Jeydo (talk) 01:56, December 28, 2014 (UTC)