Holy Liberator

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Holy Liberator
Holy liberator.jpg
Cost 500,000
Strength 9,000
Lure Rating 65
Goodness 5,000
Min. Points 4,000,000
Retail Outlet Glacier Bay Fishing Pole Shop
San Digloo Fishing Pole Shop
Lake Freezberg Fishing Pole Shop
Snowpeak River Fishing Pole Shop
Snowpeak Summit Fishing Pole Shop
Holy Liberator Quests

Description: Equipped with a single angelic wing and cross-shaped pieces, the Liberator represents divine holiness and tranquility. The Liberator comes with a standard plunger, but will require several additional upgrades.

Note: Dynamic leveling applies to poles in the Icelantica region. Poles do not come as Level 1/50 in Icelantica, they come as level 1/4... and then you are able to purchase add-ons which add to your poles base level, allowing you to further advance and bring your pole up to level x/130.


Each upgrade costs gold and has a minimum pole level and goodness level requirement before they can be purchased. Poles need to be 1% of the stated level to qualify.
NOTE: The add-on images are meant to be hidden.

Golden Shield

Hand crafted shield that attaches to the Liberator's handle. The shield improves the overall strength of the pole.

Adds: 5 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 1,750 Goodness
Min Req: Level 3 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 6,000
Cost: 175,000 gold
Strength: ?
Skill Points: +?
Purchased from the Glacier Bay, San Digloo, Lake Freezberg, Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores

Golden Shield

Safety Cage

The safety cage upgrade encloses fish in split seconds. Will see better results compared to the plunger.

Adds: 8 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 2,150 Goodness
Min Req: Level 9 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 13,500
Cost: 215,000 gold
Strength: ?
Skill Points: +?
Purchased from the Glacier Bay, San Digloo, Lake Freezberg, Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores

Safety Cage

Hydraulic Holiness

This add-on slows pole leveling.

Adds on a second angelic wing and a hydraulic tank to the Liberator.

Adds: 8 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 2,500 Goodness
Min Req: Level 17 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 22,500
Cost: 250,000 gold
Strength: 9308
Skill Points: +?
Purchased from the San Digloo, Lake Freezberg, Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores

Hydraulic Holiness

Reel Upgrade

Adds extra strength to the reel, preparing the pole for even further addons.

Adds: 9 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 2,750 Goodness
Min Req: Level 25 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 37,500
Cost: 275,000 gold
Strength: 9419
Skill Points: +?
Purchased from the San Digloo, Lake Freezberg, Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores

Reel Upgrade

Nitrogen Sprayer

Allows for spraying capabilities. The special nitrogen formula will help retain larger fish that used to get away.

Adds: 9 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 3,000 Goodness
Min Req: Level 34 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 64,500
Cost: 300,000 gold
Strength: 9529
Skill Points: +?
Purchased from the San Digloo, Lake Freezberg, Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores

Nitrogen Sprayer

Light Sensor

This add-on slows pole leveling.

Alerts the cage door when a fish is within distance to freedom from the cold waters.

Adds: 10 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 3,200 Goodness
Min Req: Level 43 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 98,500
Cost: 320,000 gold
Strength: 9652
Skill Points: +126
Purchased from the Lake Freezberg, Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores

Light Sensor

Pole leveling is now 50 exp. per level.

Nitrogen Upgrade

Upgrades existing Nitrogen Sprayer to cool off the larger and more elusive fish.

Adds: 10 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 3,400 Goodness
Min Req: Level 53 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 121,500
Cost: 340,000 gold
Strength: +126 (10052 at 62% of Lv. 53)
Skill Points: +126
Purchased from the Lake Freezberg, Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores

Nitrogen Upgrade

Love Dart

The Love Dart addon helps catch the less interested and rare fish by shooting a soothing and calming dart that also increases the fishes lifespan.

Adds: 11 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 3,600 Goodness
Min Req: Level 63 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 173,500
Cost: 360,000 gold
Strength: +139
Skill Points: +138
Purchased from the Lake Freezberg, Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores

Love Dart

Wireless Camera+TV

This addon slows pole leveling.

Helps add extra precision and control to the safety cage.

Adds: 11 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 3,800 Goodness
Min Req: Level 74 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 227,000
Cost: 380,000 gold
Strength: ?
Skill Points: +?
Purchased from the Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores


The final lure upgrade provides one with the ability to save all of the different Icelantian fish.

Adds: 15 base levels to your Holy Liberator and 4,500 Goodness
Min Req: Level 85 Holy Liberator
Min. Goodness level: 298,000
Cost: 450,000 gold
Strength: +188 (10377 to 10565 at 100% of Lv. 85)
Skill Points: +188
Purchased from the Snowpeak River and Snowpeak Summit stores


Resurrection Rack

Adds another layer of saving grace that reinforces future addons.

Complete: Seaweed Soup Quest to unlock!
Adds: 10 base levels to your Holy Liberator
Min Req: Level 100 Holy Liberator
Cost: 200,000 gold
Strength: +125 (10588 to 10713 at 100% of Lv. 100)
Skill Points: +125

Resurrection Rack

Rescue Net

Net launcher that helps bring in the difficult catches.

Complete: Holy Shrimp! Quest to unlock!
Adds: 10 base levels to your Holy Liberator
Min Req: Level 110 Holy Liberator
Cost: 450,000 gold
Strength: +126 (10728 to 10854 at 100% of Lv. 110)
Skill Points: +125

Rescue Net

Celestial Transfusion Launcher

The final Holy Liberator addon helps by subduing fish into tranquility.

Complete: Arctic Melt Quest to unlock!
Adds: 10 base levels to your Holy Liberator
Min Req: Level 120 Holy Liberator
Cost: 900,000 gold
Strength: 10,599
Skill Points: +123

Celestial Transfusion Launcher

Pole Exclusive Fish

All poles have fish that can only be caught exclusively by that pole. The set of fish that can only be caught by the Holy Liberator are:

Karma Fish Level 103+
Electric Eel Fish Level 107+
Guardian Angel Fish Level 114+
Police Fish Level 123+
Saint Fish Level 130+

Karma.jpg Electric-eel.jpg Guardian-angel.jpg Police.jpg Saint.jpg