Talk:Fish Silver Values

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Redwood Crescent, Asteroid Reef, Helvetica, Zyrbelia, and all River areas

These areas STILL need silver values added to the silver tables here. Add them here first and then add their own indivdual areas & islands later on so they can be moved. Jeydo (talk) 02:06, August 1, 2014 (UTC)

Best area or Fish to catch for silver? Here's some tips!

You can use the tables to resort for Fish or silver value via the controls in the header. Obviously, your going to have to grind at some point or sell RLC for silver, as the add-ons are very expensive in later levels & outweigh how much you'll gain between addons.

Helvetica is a good choice, as well as the final areas of each River region. The collectibles there can be sold for RLC or silver. The more rare a fish is, the more silver it usually yields. Night fishing is Roperia is obviously the best way with everyone showing up.

It's best to level the River poles in tournaments with love chum and always pick the Share catches option to avoid losing silver. You should open chests in the all of the River regions of Roperia, as the silver is better there and the chum can be sold as well for 100+ silver pieces. Same goes for MTBs Jeydo (talk) 02:19, August 1, 2014 (UTC)