McMunchy Fish

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McMunchy Fish
Roperian Fish
Min. Silver 3,200
Min. Points 3,250
Min. Tourn. Points
Bait Preference
Min. Weight 150 lb / TBD kg
Min. Pole Level 70 Medieval Maulerpole
Min. Skill
Habitat (Population) Ironclad Castle (Extremely Rare)
In-game links
McMunchy Fish Page
McMunchy Fish Longest Streaks
McMunchy Fish First Catches
McMunchy Fish Trophy Catches
McMunchy Fish Most Catches

Description: In the towering heart of Ironclad Castle resides the infamous "Eater King." With a crown fashioned from the finest kitchenware and a majestic mug always frothing with his favorite brew, this monarch's culinary adventures are the stuff of legend. Each meal is a banquet, every snack a feast. Surrounded by mountains of delicacies, he rules his flavorful domain with a jovial heart and an insatiable appetite, forever in search of the next scrumptious morsel to delight his royal palate.

TIP: Drops the Burger of King collectable ~50% of the time

Part of Baked Gnarwhal quest (20 fish required)