Sharkeratu Fish

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Sharkeratu Fish
Roperian Fish
Min. Silver 3,000
Min. Points 3,040
Min. Tourn. Points
Bait Preference Beast Chum
Min. Weight 166.69 lb / TBD kg
Min. Pole Level 69 Medieval Maulerpole
Min. Skill
Resources Repeloratu (99% repel)
Habitat (Population) Ironclad Castle (Numerous)
In-game links
Sharkeratu Fish Page
Sharkeratu Fish Longest Streaks
Sharkeratu Fish First Catches
Sharkeratu Fish Trophy Catches
Sharkeratu Fish Most Catches

Description: harkeratu, the ancient guardian of the castle, is an enigmatic and elusive creature. With the body of a majestic shark and features that hint at a deeper wisdom, Sharkeratu has been known to roam the castle's moats and waters for centuries. Tales of this mysterious entity are whispered among the castle's residents, some believing it to be a protector, while others deem it a manifestation of the castle's secrets. Its ghostly presence, coupled with an age-old gaze, adds an aura of mystery that envelops the castle, making Sharkeratu a legendary figure of Medievaleton.