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'''The Story of Claustro Cave''' was released October 2020 and consists of a total of 4 Chapters written by playing wrangler [ Lucy Snyder].

Progress through the story will eventually lead to [[Claustro Cave]], which will be released on October 28, 2020. You can view your progress by going to My Profile -> [], and the next steps will be displayed on the main fishing page.

NOTE: Player ''must'' have unlocked [[Breakfast Bay]] before they can see this story.

==Chapter #1: Bad Investments==
Catch the [[Pumpkin Spice Latte Fish]] originally in Breakfast Bay during its contest, and it appears this fish will stay at Breakfast Bay.
Chapter #1: The Invitation
It’s a beautiful day in Breakfast Bay! I’m enjoying the smell of all the delicious beverages and pastries when I hear the sound of another boat. I turn, and see Miss Amanda, the manager at Château D’Amour, and Chef Wolfie motoring up in her yacht.
:“Hey, how’s it going?” I toast them with a pumpkin spice latte as they pull up alongside my boat.
:“Ze kitchen, it is still haunted,” Chef Wolfie replies. “No one can enter, or ze ghost gets angry!”
:“Aw, bummer,” I say.
:“But!” The chef brightens. “Ve haff good news!”
:“Cool, what is it?” I ask.
:Amanda smiles. “It turns out that Wolfie has a cousin who is a very well-respected medium, and she agreed to travel here to assess the situation.”
:“A medium ... as in someone who talks to dead people?” I say.
:“Exactly!” Amanda says. “At first, we thought we should bring in an exorcist straight away, but the local priest said that they’re mostly helpful for cases of demonic possession. Which this probably isn’t?”
:“She might as well be a demon.” Wolfie frowns as he rubs at a fading bruise on his forehead.
:“I’m always in favor of people sitting down and talking things out,” Amanda says firmly. “After all, the ghost doesn’t know it’s not her kitchen any more. She probably sees us as intruders. I imagine it’s quite confusing, being dead! And Wolfie’s cousin — her name is Florence Geistjaeger — seems confident that she can help get this sorted out.”
:“So you’re going to have a séance?” I ask.
:“Indeed ve are!” Wolfie pulls a small card out of the breast pocket of his chef’s whites and leans over the railing of the yacht to offer it to me. “And you are invited!”
:I take the invitation from him and examine it. “Oh, wow, so this is happening soon?”
:“Ze sooner, ze better,” says Wolfie. “Arrive at ze Inn at dusk.”
:“You are coming, right?” Amanda is giving me a doubtful look.
:I’m nervous at the idea of what might happen, but I don’t want to let them down … and I also don’t want to look like a coward!
:“Absolutely.” I give her a confident grin. “I’ll be there!”

Visit the Hideaway Inn Bed and Breakfast for the seance in x days xx hrs xx mins xx secs! (October 28, 2020 opening) <!-- (about 2 days 20 hrs at October 25, 2020 3:43 FVT) -->

==Chapter 2: Guten Morgan==
Go to [[Breakfast Bay]]<br />
<span style="background-color: lightblue">[ Visit the Hideaway Inn Bed and Breakfast]</span>

Unlocked Chapter#2: Guten Morgen!
I arrive at the front door of the Hideaway Inn Bed & Breakfast just as the sun is dipping below the ocean’s horizon. The cloud-streaked sky above the bay is lit up in gorgeous sunset reds and purples, and I can smell coffees and pastries beckoning me from the water.

Full journal entry:
I arrive at the front door of the Hideaway Inn Bed & Breakfast just as the sun is dipping below the ocean’s horizon. The cloud-streaked sky above the bay is lit up in gorgeous sunset reds and purples, and I can smell coffees and pastries beckoning me from the water.
:Meanwhile, the shadows building under the eaves and porch of the Inn seem ominous. The whole place feels creepy. Do I really want to do this instead of spending a pleasant evening fishing? I pull the séance invitation out of my pocket and toy with the cardboard.
:And I sigh. I did promise, and I’m here. So I knock.
:I hear heavy footsteps, and Chef Wolfie pulls open the door. “Come in, Wrangler! Ve haff a seat just for you!”
:Although he sounds cheerful, Wolfie looks as nervous as I’ve ever seen him.
:“Everything ok?” I whisper as he leads me through the foyer.
:“Nein. Ze ghost has been on ze rampage all day!” he whispers back. “Mein gott, I hope my cousin can sort zees mess out!”
:As we enter the dining room, I see a strange woman sitting beside Miss Amanda at a round table covered in a purple satin cloth. There are two empty chairs. In the middle of the dining table there’s a wooden spirit board with letters and numbers surrounded by six unlit red candles in silver holders.
:The strange woman stands up to shake my hand. “Welcome! You must be the Wrangler. I’m Florence.” She gestures to the chair beside her. “Please, sit down, and we can get started.”
:I sit, and Wolfie takes the chair between me and Amanda, completing the circle. There’s a canister of salt on the floor beside her right foot.
:“What’s the salt for?” I ask as Florence lights the six candles around the board.
:“Oh, just in case the lady of the house gets a little too rowdy,” Florence replies lightly as she turns off the chandelier. “Or in case a demon shows up and tries to possess someone.”
:“A demon?” I can’t keep my voice from cracking a little. “Is … is that common?”
:“Oh, not very common at all!” She smiles reassuringly. “But it never hurts to be prepared!”
:Florence passes each of us a small card with a few sentences on it. “Everyone will need to say these words out loud in unison to summon the spirit. I’ll give a three-count before we begin. If nothing happens, just start again. Keep speaking the words until either the spirit visits us or I tell you to stop.”
:I set the card on the table in front of me so I can read it. And I hope nobody but me can see that my hands are shaking just a little.
:Florence closes her eyes and rests her fingers lightly on the board’s planchette. “One … two … three.”
:We all speak the summoning: “I call upon the mistress who is restless in this house. We bring you offerings from life into death. Commune with us, oh restless spirit, and move among us.”
:At first, nothing happens. But as we say the lines again, the candles flicker as if there’s a breeze. A moment later, it gets so cold in the room I can see my breath!
:Florence stops speaking. Her eyelids flutter and her mouth goes slack.
:A creepy, scratchy voice comes out of her mouth, but her lips aren’t moving: “Who calls me from beyond the veil?”
:“Who are you?” The question is out of my mouth before I can think better than to ask it.
:Suddenly, Florence goes stiff, her eyes glowing an eerie green. Above her is the insubstantial figure of a scowling elderly woman in a gingham dress and white cooking apron. The ghost!
:“Who dares ask?” the ghost screams down at me. It’s like being hit with the worst icy wind in Icelantica.
:I want to dive under the table and hide, but I hold fast and look the ghost in the eye.
:“You’ve been terrorizing Chef Wolfie, and he never did anything to you!” I yell back. “You should have gone to the Great Beyond, but you’re still here! Why? What do you want?”
:“I want my collection!” the ghost shrieks.
:“What collection?” Amanda asks.
:“My spoons! My no-good nephew took my precious measuring spoons and cups. He tried to hide in the basement, and the fool fell down into the well! All gone! All lost!”
:“If we get them for you, will you let Chef Wolfie cook in peace?” I ask.
:“Yes.” The ghost sounds bitter. “But if you do not, my soul can never rest … and if I cannot rest, none of you shall, either!”
:The ghost abruptly releases Florence, who collapses back into her chair. The candles blow out, and Wolfie knocks his own chair over in his panic to get to the light switch.
:Florence is shaking, white-faced. “Oh, this isn’t good. We didn’t properly end the ceremony!”
:“But we got valuable information!” Amanda turns to me. “If her nephew fell down the well with her treasures, then it’s just a matter of going down there and finding them, right?
:“I suppose so,” I say.
:“Vill you go down and see?” asks Chef Wolfie. “You haff more experience with hunting for treasure than either of us.”
:A basement well can’t be any creepier than some of the places I’ve already been … can it?
:“Ok, I’ll take a look,” I reply.

==Chapter 3: Into the Cavern==
<span style="background-color: lightblue">[ Open the Creepy Basement Well]</span>

Unlocked Chapter#3: Into the Cavern!

We find some flashlights and head down into the basement of the Hideaway Inn Bed & Breakfast. It’s a huge area, and it’s largely filled with shelves of old storage boxes and sundry junk. The air down here is musty and damp.

“Is this all your stuff?” I ask Amanda.

“Oh, no, all this was here when I bought the house,” she says. “The previous owner — he didn’t even live here, apparently — had passed away years ago. It was standing vacant. I guess maybe the ghost chased him off? But I got a good deal on it because I was willing to take it as-is ... that included all the junk here in the basement.”

Amanda shines her flashlight toward the western corner. “I think the well’s supposed to be over there.”

Full journal entry:
Chapter #3: Into the Cavern<br />
   We find some flashlights and head down into the basement of the Hideaway Inn Bed & Breakfast. It’s a huge area, and it’s largely filled with shelves of old storage boxes and sundry junk. The air down here is musty and damp.<br />
   “Is this all your stuff?” I ask Amanda.<br />
   “Oh, no, all this was here when I bought the house,” she says. “The previous owner — he didn’t even live here, apparently — had passed away years ago. It was standing vacant. I guess maybe the ghost chased him off? But I got a good deal on it because I was willing to take it as-is ... that included all the junk here in the basement.”<br />
   Amanda shines her flashlight toward the western corner. “I think the well’s supposed to be over there.”<br />
   We pick our way through the piles and come to an old, stained, moth-eaten brown area rug, and I help Amanda pull it aside, revealing an old round trapdoor made of unpainted wood.<br />
   “Zees must be the well,” Wolfie says.<br />
   I help him heave the well door aside and we shine our lights down into the hole. It looks like it goes down forever, and I can see weird glowing mushrooms growing on the slick-looking rocks.<br />
   The last thing I want to do tonight is go down into this creepy, damp well … but I guess there isn’t any other option. I did say I’d help.<br />
“Is there a rope around here?” I ask.<br />
“Oh, I found one!” Amanda says, holding up a thick coil of nylon rope.<br />
We tie the rope to a steel support pole, toss it down the well, and I slowly climb down with my flashlight to see how far it goes. It gets narrower and narrower as I go, and I start to become afraid I’ll get stuck.<br />
But to my surprise, after fifty feet or so, the well opens up into a cavern! It’s huge, and dimly lit by those weird glowing mushrooms. There are some human bones scattered across the rocks — I’m guessing that’s what’s left of the thieving nephew — and there are lots of pools where I can see strange cave fish swimming. There’s a network of tunnels leading off in every direction from the cavern I’m in.<br />
But I do not see any measuring spoons or cups lying around. Darn. This was never going to be simple, was it?<br />
I haul myself back up to the basement and tell Wolfie and Amanda what I found.<br />
“If there are creatures down there,” Amanda muses aloud, “they might be attracted to shiny objects … they might have carried the spoons and cups away.”<br />
“That sounds plausible,” I sigh. “The problem is, it’s way too narrow to get any of my usual gear down there. Except maybe my Reelistic, but I need lots of room to cast that.”<br />
“You know a whole lot about poles, though, right?” Amanda asks. “Could you look around and see if you could make something out of all the stuff down here?”<br />
“I could,” I reply. “But I won’t just need a pole … I bet some of those caves are completely filled with water. I’m going to need an air supply, too.”<br />
I hear the hollow bang of knuckles on metal, and I turn toward the sound. Chef Wolfie is smugly pointing to a metal air tank on a wall rack.<br />
“Zees is what you need, yes?” he asks.<br />
It looks heavy, but I bet I could pull it behind me on a rope when I get to narrow places. “Yes, but I’ll need an air compressor, too —”<br />
Wolfie points to an antique air compressor unit on the floor a few yards away. “Like zat?”<br />
I feel myself blush in embarrassment. I’m going to have to be a whole lot more observant down in the caves! “Yeah. Exactly like that.”<br />
“It seems zat you are not the first one to do ze spelunking in zees house!”<br />
I feel a whole lot less cheerful than Wolfie looks. If someone else went down into the caves looking for the lady’s loot … what happened to them?<br />
“Hey guys, look what I found!” Amanda waves an old leather-bound photo album at us. “I know who the ghost is!”<br />
We crowd around the album, and Amanda opens it and shows us a black-and-white photo of a pleasant, plump woman in old-fashioned clothes standing on the front porch of the house. She’s a young, happy, cleaned-up version of the screaming ghost. Written below it in neat cursive is an inscription: Abigail Goodcakes, 1908.<br />
Amanda flips a couple of pages. “And look at this!”<br />
The photo she points to depicts Abigail a few years later. She’s sitting at the dining room table with a set of seventeen ornate, jeweled measuring spoons and cups arrayed on the table in front of her. The inscription on this photo reads, Abigail G. proudly displays the priceless cups and spoons she won from Princess Elvonia in the All-Roperia Poker Tournament.<br />
“No wonder she’s so attached!” Amanda says. “That must have been an epic game!”<br />
“I’m just glad this photo shows the whole set,” I say. “Now I know exactly what I’m looking for!”<br />
Amanda and Wolfie help me search the basement for materials, and after an hour I’ve found an old twig broom, some twine, and a hook.<br />
“Is that going to be sturdy enough?” Amanda asks as I wrap the twine around the broom handle.<br />
“I can make this work,” I say. “If it doesn’t, I can always come up here and hunt for stuff to make improvements.”

<span style="background-color: lightblue">Head down into [ Claustro Cave], if you dare!</span><br />
Travel to Claustro Cave?
:Yes, I'm sure I want to travel to Claustro Cave!
NOTE: You will need to build (or purchase) new poles which will take 60 minutes to wait, or can purchase with Gold to avoid the wait. Wrangler's can head back to [[Breakfast Bay]] to fish in the meantime.

==Chapter 4: What Was Lost is Found==
Find Abigail's [[Collectables#Abigails_Lost_Spoons_&_Cups_.28Claustro_Cave.29|Lost Spoons and Cups]] so she can rest! This is a collectible set from fishing in [[Claustro Cave]]

   Holy moly, I still can’t believe how hard it was fighting those cave monsters, especially the Sewer Alligator! Yikes! People need to be careful about what they flush down the toilet!<br />
   But I have all the cups and spoons now. I take them up into the house and tell Chef Wolfie and Amanda the good news. They’re thrilled! Wolfie calls his cousin Florence, and she agrees to come right away.<br />
   <nowiki>#</nowiki><br />
   That night, we all gather in the dining room for another séance. Florence places the bag of the cups and spoons in the middle of the table, and she has us all join hands.<br />
   We speak the summoning in unison: “We call upon Abigail Goodcakes. We bring you precious gifts from life into death. Commune with us, Abigail Goodcakes, and move among us. Please accept these gifts so that you may be at peace.”<br />
   A gentle breeze ruffles my hair, and the ghost of Abigail materializes above the table.<br />
   “Oh, thank you, Wrangler. My soul can finally rest.”<br />
   The ghost reaches down to touch the bag. It is consumed by an unearthly glow and then shimmers into sparkling mist and disappears. A light from above bathes Abigail’s insubstantial form, and she smiles beatifically as she ascends and disappears.<br />
   Chef Wolfie bursts into tears.<br />
   “What’s the matter?” I ask.<br />
   “Happy endings, zey always make me cry!” He wipes his eyes on his sleeve. “And I am so happy I can finally cook in ze kitchen of zees house!”<br />
   “I say we celebrate,” says Amanda. “Who wants to crack open the bottle of Roperriene Brut champagne that I’ve been saving for a special occasion?”<br />
   “Me!” I exclaim.<br />
   Amanda retrieves her bag, and we all go into the kitchen. It’s blissfully quiet now. She pulls a bottle of champagne and several glasses out of her bag, pops the cork, and pours us all some bubbly at the counter.<br />
   “We are extremely grateful to you for all you’ve done,” Amanda says. “And as a token of our thanks, we’re giving you something we hope you’ll really enjoy.”<br />
   “What is it?” I ask.<br />
   “Chef Wolfie and I had a Bonus Cooler specially made for you. You can get special Ice Chips for it and use it to keep special bonuses fresh for another 24 hours!”<br />
   “Sweet!” This item will really come in handy on those days when I’m too busy to fish!

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