Forum:What is the best way to use skips?

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Forums: Index > Help desk > Forum:What is the best way to use skips?

i was just wondering what is the best way to use skips. what sort of strategy will get me the best use, extra catches, etc. thanks.

i just use them and use the waiting time to travel between islands. :) --big zoid, Big Zoid, BIG ZOID!!! 23:55, September 30, 2009 (UTC)
If you spend your whole day fishing, then the best way to use skips is to do it as the last thing before getting some sleep :-) .. 6 skips + 14 red sharks gives you 5 hours (+15 minutes from the last cast) of shut-eye. Also, if there are announced game downtimes, it's good to use skips before that to cover the time you won't be able to fish. --Jayberwock 15:51, October 1, 2009 (UTC)