Forum:Grim attractant

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Forums: Index > Help desk > Forum:Grim attractant

I'm so discouraged and this is my last resort before I throw my pole overboard. I cannot get a depth charge for the life of me. I'm Prodigious 51%, almost 5M points, and level 50 pneumatic speargun. Is this normal to wait this long for a depth charge or some grim attractants. Please help...

i have had 2 depth charges while in SC i am 25% of this class all i did to get the grim att was sit in BC for 3 days with the SP pole and i got a joan of ark att thats how i get my grim atts..... by the way how did u get ur octo tenticles i havent seen any around. i know it says that i have to be 33% but in some wranglers profiles it says they have had some or are thay making it up. Markgatty 04:16, 21 May 2009 (UTC)